The Tiny Potty Training Book (18 mánaða+)
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Just 60 years ago, over 92% of American children were potty trained by 18 months. After disposable diapers and the related message to wait for "readiness” hit the scene, American kids are now potty training at about 3 years old, leaving parents wondering: When is it okay to potty train? and How do I do it?
The Tiny Potty Training Book answers all of these questions and more, empowering parents with accurate information and step-by-step guidance to potty train with confidence at any age. With this book parents can complete potty training in an average of 7 days, without force, coercion, sticker charts, or bribery.
Toddlers 18 months and up will gain mastery and dignity through the swift and gentle method laid out in this book, complete with troubleshooting section and access to private support*.
*NOTE: The Reader's Website and Private Support Group are included in this new MULTIMEDIA VERSION. You will receive lifetime access to these materials via the link found in your book.
6" x 9" (15.24 x 22.86 cm)
172 pages
The Tiny World Company
ISBN-13: 978-0692433188
ISBN-10: 069243318X
BISAC: Family & Relationships / Toilet Training
About the Author
Andrea Olson, M.A., is a pioneer in helping parents reduce diaper dependence with any age child or baby, from birth through toddlerhood. She has her Master's Degree in Psychology and presently lives in Asheville, NC, with her husband and children. She is also author of Go Diaper Free for 0-18 month babies. She is also the creator of Tiny Undies and Tiny Trainers. Visit her at GoDiaperFree.com.