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Flokkunarkassinn hvetur áhuga barna að læra um liti og form sem í leiðinni styrkir samhæfingu handa og augna. Viðarkassinn kemur með þremur holum í mismunandi formum og þrjú form sem passa ofaní í mismunandi litum.   
Nýttu tækifærið og æfðu málþroska barnsins með því að ræða saman hvaða lit það heldur á og svo síðar hvað formið heitir. Einnig hægt að ræða saman um fjölda forma og telja hveru mörg form detta ofaní kassann.

Rainbow Shape Sorter Box

Wooden box with geometric figures... look carefully... think for a while... do you already know how to put figures in the box? Yes! Very well! So soft from beeswax and botanical oils. Play and learn.

  • Made of selected wood that comes from FSC certified suppliers
  • Coloured with all-natural, eco-certified paints
  • Finished with beeswax and botanical oils, sanded perfectly smooth, soft to the touch
  • Packed in a paperboard box, which is designed to be reused or easily recycled
  • This product is free from any harmful substances
  • This is an organic and eco-friendly product

Dimensions of the largest piece: 4 cm x 4 cm x 3.5 cm

Dimensions of the smallest block: 4.3 cm x 3.5 cm x 3.5 cm

Dimensions without packing: 16.3 cm x 16.3 cm x 8.5 cm

Dimensions with packing: 18 cm x 18.7 cm x 8.8 cm

Weight: 0.85 kg

Made in Beskidy Mountains, Poland

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